Monday, June 1, 2009

Gotta Be Somebody

When i was younger, I had this ridiculous belief that Nickelback was a terrible band. That they had no talent, and that only odd people could love such a band. I based this on Chad's voice, as I'm sure most Nickelback haters do, and not on actual musical talent. I remember a while ago i saw a MuchMusic interview of Green Day, and i remember them making fun of Nickelback and Creed for having similar raspy voices, and i used to think it was funny. Years later... I find that I'm in a completely different situation. I've grown mentally and physically. I've learned and realized many things and I've gotten more mature. Things that used to matter to me before may not matter to me anymore, and there's certain things I didn't pay attention to before, that may be very important to me now. My musical taste has changed since then, I've grown to be very specific in my music and the music I listen to. The music I listen to has to meet certain standards in order for me to enjoy it, but they are MY standards and are not to be taken for standards that interpret whether a song is great or not.

Over the passed year I've heard a few new Nickelback songs... they're always catchy... but i don't always love them. "look at this photograph" haha, the way he sings that is very memorable. I remember the first time I heard this song (gotta be somebody), it was on television, and I remember thinking that the video was awesome; cameras panning from space to earth and to different locations and back to space, showing how small and insignificant we are and yet how big the earth is and how many people there are out there. At first, when I read the song title, I thought this song was going to be about being successful and making it, as a human, in one's pursuits and adventures. "gotta be somebody" I thought it meant gotta be somebody... like to be a somebody. I liked that idea, of it being about success, but when I listened to the lyrics, I liked it even more.

For a long time I've been wanting to write exactly how i feel and interpret into a song. I wanted to write a song about finding the one, but my problem is, when I get into songwriting I always want everything to be perfect, and it holds me back from getting a lot of work done, because of my insecurities. I need to learn to just let go and let the pen do all the work. I wanted to write a song about truly wanting to find that somebody, and to try to explain how it would feel to find her, and how it feels while in the process of finding her, and what one thinks about while in the "waiting room"... and this song does exactly what I wanted to accomplish. when I read the lyrics I was shocked, because it was almost exactly how I would've wanted to write it, if ever i found contentment in my writing. It's almost like the song is telling me how I'm feeling, like it understands me.

So now when I think back at that Green Day interview, I also think about myself back then. How close-minded were they, and was I, that we couldn't look passed his voice and actually listen to the music. I've recently learned that Nickelback is one of the biggest and successful modern rock bands, and yet they are also one of the most hated. I think being one of the best, although followed by countless fans, also comes along with countless haters. The biggest and most successful acts always have the most haters: Nickelback, the Jonas Brothers, Coldplay, Michael Jackson, Kanye West. People always find a reason to hate someone, regardless of their talent. So here's the song and video i've been talking about, listen closely, and enjoi the visuals.