Sunday, March 29, 2009

here, here, and here.

so i pre-ordered Meg & Dia's next album "here, here, and here" from their website today with my mothers credit card, WOOOOT!!!! BOH BOH!!!!! along with the 12' Vinyl record!!!!!!!!!! pretty excited about that. I can't wait to hear the studio version of "One Sail, One Sea", this is my favorite song of all the new ones i've heard so far. After i made the purchase and recieved the free demo download, i decided to edit a MaD photo i had found on the website, and i just recently made it into a wallpaper. for all your meg & dia fans, i'll post it up here and share it with you all, hope you like it. Oh man... i haven't been excited about an upcoming album since...... probably angels and airwaves - I-empire. There's only 4 bands i know that can come out with an album that I KNOW for sure, will appeal to me one way or another, and i mean that as in... i would easily love most (if not all) of the songs they write. I understand that everyone is different and not everyone has to agree with this, but from what i like, from my taste, there's 4 bands: Blink182, Angels & Airwaves, Meg & Dia, Satelites.... and i'm pretty sure if Boxcar Racer somehow came back, i'd like them too. haha YES i added my band, Satelites. You might find that weird, but i am a fan of my bands music, and i love everything Theo writes, the appeal of the music theo writes is as consistant as the appeal of the music that comes from those other bands. Anyways, here's the wallpaper i edited last night.....

Friday, March 27, 2009

here we go, life's waiting to begin...

had a last minute convo with ron and ricky last night before we left skyboy studios. gonna arrange a serious skyboy meeting some time this week. made me realize that life is coming, we either have to meet it have way or let it pass by. the time is now...SKYBOY.
i'll finish this later, but in the meantime, heres a couple of pics i just recently edited, taken by Sydney Belen.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


What has this world come to, when everyone feels the need to ALWAYS be in touch with everyone, to let everyone know what's going on with them, ALWAYS. i can't believe something as r
Ediculous as twitter has gotten as big as it has. This site allows you to share your current state with everyone in the world, and let's you know who actually cares about it, that's pretty much it. websites like facebook, myspace, and even youtube allow you to do the exact same things, and MUCH MORE. but yet, SOMEHOW, twitter became popular, that's an enigma to me. There's a "stay connected" phenomena occuring, ever since the internet was created. It's all great and everything... people staying connected, people meeting new people, people getting in touch with people that they haven't been in contact with in a while. But people get caught up, and over-do it, and that's when it gets in the way of what's really important (whatever that may be).

I don't remember the last time i
ACTUALLY missed someone...well other than someone that i really, really like, cus that's easy. nowadays, it's so easy to not miss someone, because of how connected we are. txt, facebook/myspace/youtube/friendster/etc.., email, cell phone, twitter, msn, bb messenger. Even if you hardly know someone, you would still know that they went to mexico 2 weeks ago, they had a martini on the beach with susie and mary on tuesday night, went to the club on friday, took massive amounts of pictures for no reason the next day... etc. If you're this connected with acquaintances, all the more with your close friends. Remember the days when there was no internet, no cell phones, just home phones. Those were the days when you could actually miss someone, minimal communication. How do you miss anyone in this day and age? How can you miss someone when all you have to do is take out your blackberry and bb msg them for free, or talk to them on msn for free, or go on their facebook and write on their wall, or you can even go oldschool and actually call them, all on the same little device, the glory that is BlackBerry. I always see wall posts on facebook saying i miss you this, i miss you that.. which i don't believe. When they say "you" i assume they mean the "you" mind, body, soul. but really, you could get mind and soul connection from them through internet or telephone.. so really, all they're missing is their body, what they really miss, is their physical body....anyways, i'm digressing, let's get back to the topic....

twitter, it's so stupid. you can even connect your facebook status to your twitter status, which i find is the
BIG BRIGHT SIGN, telling everyone how stupid it is, cus they're pretty much telling you, "Look how great we are! We are so great that we can get you (the idiot, but VALUED customer) to be an already existing facebook member (a site with with greater capabilities), to sign up with us, cus you can share the capabilities on our great website, even though facebook can do the exact same things on it's own." I only thought of 3 main uses for status changing on facebook/youtube/myspace, or twitter. 1) to advertise, to get a name out, for exposure, because they know people will see it. 2) to teach, to inform the masses with whatever it is you feel needs to be heard. 3) to create attention, because you love the attention, attention whore. i'm not saying that's a bad thing, don't get me wrong, if you love attention, there's nothing wrong with that. reminds me of my ex-girlfriend, i remember she used to like changing her status a lot, to let everyone know what's going on..and back then i never used to change mine, and it confuzzled me, cus i couldn't think of any reasons why anyone would do such a thing. i like to think i'm a practical and rational thinker, so i asked her, cus truth be told, it annoyed me, being practical and all. we got into a fight, her only argument was that she liked doing it, and like i said earlier, if you like doing it, nothing wrong with that. I kept telling her, "oh, cus you like the attention." and that's how we fought, cus she denied it. What other reasons could it be other than for attention? people who don't like attention, write in journals, or make personal messages to individuals, they don't post it on the street for everyone to read. so.. that fight went nowhere, cus both of us thought we were right. But nowadays i change my status on facebook, and yes FOR ATTENTION. BUT, 99% of the time, i do it to advertise music, my band, something i like, or just something that i need to get across to everyone. I'm not gonna say that I've never had a pointless status change, cus i've prolly had one before. "Pointless", as in, Arthur: notices it's raining outside. I think i know why twitter is so popular, because celebrities use it. But what people don't really understand is.. celebrities and people in the media, use it to become more popular, because they NEED people to care about them, or their spark will fade. Deep down, everyone wants to be a celebrity.