Friday, April 24, 2009

look what you did Diddy

so here's a picture of cassie from

so apparently she woke up and felt like doing it, by the way she only shaved half of her head, its not a mohawk. i commend you cassie, i love originality, but at the same time, i feel like she's gonna regret it one day, whether it be 10 years from now or 10 days from now. one day she's gonna look at a picture of herself from 2009 and think why did i do that? reason i think this is because it's not her, in this picture she's giving the devil horns, usually associated with the rock n roll culture (by the way cassie, you're an R & B singer). i just fel like, if she wanted to be original, she shoulda done something more R & B, and not rock & roll. Theres a crazy blend of cultures (hip-hop and Rock) going on in the Hip-Hop world, and i feel like it's only like that cus lil wayne does it, its a fad like SO many things in Hip-Hop, it will fade, and it will change and evolve into something (most likely another blend of something else, cus thats how it seems to be, they copy something and try to make it their own). I listen to rock music, for the most part, and when i was in highschool, i tried the whole emo bangs thing, and it was cool until i got bored of it, but looking back at it, i kick myself. I look at pictures of myself and it's just disgusting, why did i do that, and that was just something in the culture i follow. All the more with cassie, an R&B artist trying to be rock & roll, this is why i think she'll regret it. I'm not going to say it looks ugly, cus who am i to distinguish something like that, but it doesn't suit her.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

another complaint

im starting to feel like holden caulfield here with all these complaints on everyday life. but here's one more. On YouTube, people get into fights in the comment boxes all the time, even the most (seemingly) intelligent people get into E-fights. I used to waste my time on that, but then i realized... yes, it is a waste of time. some people write stupid comments for the hell of it, some people truly believe what they are saying, and stand by it no matter how much rationality you throw at them. there are times when i see a comment and i just snap, and it absorbs my attention like a ShamWOW towel. by the way, why do people act like shamWOW is such a new thing and as if that guy wasnt at CNE (the exhibition) advertising and doing shows on that stuff every single year haha, back then it was under a different name... anyways. absorbs my attention like a shamWOW, and i am pressured to comment, nowadays, the comment i have to reply on must be on the HIGHEST levels of ignorance for me to care. enough people fight about religion on youtube, its sooo stupid. or who's the best drummer, it's sooooo stupid. its crazy cus, i made a realization last year, that realization was that everyone is different, but there's a different between knowing that and accepting and understanding it. all these youtube commenters haven't accepted yet.
the world is full of robots...robots without AI

Saturday, April 18, 2009

a necessary change

so i picked up a cd walkman earlier this week. it's a mammoth of a device, but i have good reason for this odd switch. YES, i do have an Ipod.. so why change?... you might ask. well ever since i purchased my first Ipod years ago, i feel like i haven't really been checking out new bands or hearing much new music. and even though i have thousands of songs on my Ipod.. i ALWAYS end up playing the same songs over and over again. what's the point in having such a wide selection if i'm not going to select them? cus deep down i just wanna listen to the really good shit. but even with all these album i download i don't give them a chance to be heard in it's entirety. a lot of the new albums i download end up just more space filled in my Ipod. with a cd player, you are forced to listen to what you have. cus i remember back in the day whens i bought a cd, i would listen to the whole thing and find which songs i like and which ones i don't, cus i don't have much else to listen to. i'm hoping this necessary switch will help me appreciate music more, and learn to be more patient with music, cus lately all i've been looking for are those one hit K.O songs, that just hit you right away, cus i love those ones, how can you not. i burend a few cd's, so i can switch it up every now and then... this is what i have rotating: Meg & Dia - Here, here, and here, K-os - Atlantis, Metric - Fantasies, Bloc Party - Silent Alarm. i think i'm gonna burn some JT and Aaliyah soon. heres a picture of my baby....

Monday, April 13, 2009

the chase

there's something about the pursuit of the unattainable (or seemingly unattainable), that drives people harder...
at the face of failure, still we continue, but that's what makes the prize all the more worth winning. the struggles to achieve it, the tears that were shed, the hearts that bled, the places you needed to go, the people you had to meet, the lives that were affected, the money spent, the time spent, the emotions that took over your body, the awkward silence, the telephone calls, the failed punctuality, the apologies, the flirting, the glimpses of the future, the conversations, the words that needed to be said, the time that was definitely not wasted, the epic moment of clarity,the memories that will always linger, the lessons you needed to learn,


anything that comes too easily is forgotten or taken for granted. the things in life that are most difficult to acquire, are those that mean the most to us.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

the musicccccc

it's been a while since i could tell one of my friends...holy shit... check out this band, they are fucking awesome. the last time i said something like that was probably about meg & dia, and that was a while ago, and if you're reading this and you've never heard of them, check em out. i seemed to have lost some of the love i had for music.. not all, cus i'll never stop loving music, the fact that i can't go on one day without listening to a song is a testament to that. BUT lately, i've been getting excited about Meg & Dia's new album, "here, here, and here" cus after i finished listening to their last album, i was in love, music made sense again, and ever since i heard about a new album i've been wanting it but not as much as i do now. CHECK OUT THIS BAND

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

the first sunset

I went to Theos house the other day with Sydney (mar 29), but before we went to Theos house, we decided to get some food at subway. After eating, on our way to the car, i noticed an asian guy taking a picture of the sky, i looked to the left and it was a gorgeous arrangement of clouds. This was the first beautiful sunset i've noticed this year, so i pulled out my camera and took some pics. Below is one of the pictues i took. To me, this represents the changing of seasons, the coming of summer because i don't usually see great sunsets during winter. This made me happy, and got me excited about the future. Lately there's been a lot of talk of the future, Skyboy, Satelites, Big Byrd. I feel like life is finally beginning, or at least adulthood. These are the times that will decide our future, wonder or blunder. These are the times that will decide the path we take in life, where we're headed, where we'll be. I don't want to be just another person trying to make ends meet, i don't want to settle for less than i know i can achieve. I'm working with an extraordinary team, and it's impossible for us to fail, so long as we stay focused and keep our eyes on the prize. 2009 has already been a huge year, and we just keep progressing. Can't look down now.....