Wednesday, April 22, 2009

another complaint

im starting to feel like holden caulfield here with all these complaints on everyday life. but here's one more. On YouTube, people get into fights in the comment boxes all the time, even the most (seemingly) intelligent people get into E-fights. I used to waste my time on that, but then i realized... yes, it is a waste of time. some people write stupid comments for the hell of it, some people truly believe what they are saying, and stand by it no matter how much rationality you throw at them. there are times when i see a comment and i just snap, and it absorbs my attention like a ShamWOW towel. by the way, why do people act like shamWOW is such a new thing and as if that guy wasnt at CNE (the exhibition) advertising and doing shows on that stuff every single year haha, back then it was under a different name... anyways. absorbs my attention like a shamWOW, and i am pressured to comment, nowadays, the comment i have to reply on must be on the HIGHEST levels of ignorance for me to care. enough people fight about religion on youtube, its sooo stupid. or who's the best drummer, it's sooooo stupid. its crazy cus, i made a realization last year, that realization was that everyone is different, but there's a different between knowing that and accepting and understanding it. all these youtube commenters haven't accepted yet.
the world is full of robots...robots without AI

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